The study which was designed to investigate the adoption gaps in the recommended improved cassava production technologies by male and female farmers generated its primary data through interview schedule and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) from 48 and 72 male and female farmers respectively. Simple statistic, ranking and technology gap index were the tools for data analysis. The socio-economic finding reveals that more females (57.31%) than males (39%) are involved in full time farm employment and the incidence of single parenthood was also higher in the former than the later. Also, the males had higher knowledge (89%) about these recommended practices than the females (81%). The females on the other hand recorded higher adoption rates of the recommended practices (56%) than the males (52%). Again, chemical treatment of cuttings with chemical solution was not adopted at all by the respondents. The study further reveals that the gender adoption of practices such as seed rate and plant spacing were poorly adopted. Also, both sexes view the high cost of cuttings and fertilizers well as the inability of the tubers to last for more than one year in the farm as very serious constraints to the adoption of the technology. However, the issue of lack of awareness and high incidence of tuber rotting were not regarded as adoption constrains by the respondents.
(J Agric & Soc Res:2003 3(2): 126-134)