The main objective of this paper is to find out the effect of improved technologies on gender productivity in cassava production. Data on 80 farmers selected through a multistage random sampling and made of 40 males and 40 females were collected from four communities in Owerri West Local Government of Imo State and analysed using the ordinary least squares multiple regression fitted into linear , semi-log, double-log and exponential forms. The result for the models used for the analysis revealed that the linear form provided the best fit and the selected technologies accounted for 58 percent variations in male cassava output and 67 percent for female cassava output. The result also showed that the three selected technologies i.e. fertilizer, grinding machine and improved variety of cassava had positive effect on the male and female farm output. Improved agricultural technologies are important in improving cassava output. Research should be geared towards introducing simple, less expensive and appropriate technologies to serve farmers particularly for increased cassava production.
(Journal of Agriculture and Social Research: 2003 3(1): 78-89)