A residual lateritic soil classified as A-7-6 (12) or CL using AASHTO and Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), respectively, was modified with up to 4% cement admixed with up to 8% bagasse ash by dry weight of soil. The effect of bagasse ash on the cement modified soil was studied with respect to particle size distribution, plasticity characteristics, compaction characteristics and shear strength parameters, using British Standard Light (BSL) compactive effort. Cement and bagasse ash admixture treatment of lateritic soil yielded results that showed a reduction in the fines fraction and an improvement in the plasticity of the soil generally exhibited with decrease in liquid limit and increase in plastic limit. The maximum dry density (MDD) generally decreased, while optimum moisture content (OMC) increased with higher cement and bagasse ash treatments. The shear strength parameters (i.e., cohesion and angle of internal friction) also generally improved with decrease in cohesion, while angle of internal friction increased with higher concentrations of the additives. Based on compaction and shear strength parameters test results 1% cement can be admixed with 4% bagasse ash content for optimal lateritic soil modification.
Keywords: Admixture, Bagasse ash, Cement, Lateritic soil
Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 10