The effects of aqueous extraction and removal of silified epidermis from rattan canes on the maximum hydration temperature (Tmax) and setting time (tmax) of two rattan cane species, Calamus deerratus and Lacosperma secundiflorum, mixed with Portland cement were investigated. Tmax ranged from 37.0 to 58.60C and from 43.1 to 56.80C for the C. deerratus and L. secundiflorum composites respectively while tmax was from 3.7 to 26.5 hrs and 7.4 - 25.7 hrs. Aqueous extraction increased the Tmax and reduced the tmax of the rattan-cement mixes while removal of epidermis generally caused reduction in both Tmax and tmax. The two rattan species seemed more amenable to cold than hot water extraction. Although cement inhibition of the Calamus species was greater than that of Lacosperma species, aqueous extraction improved the tmax of the Calamus-cement composite more than Lacosperma-cement composite. Epidermis removal, species, aqueous pre-treatment and their interactions had significant effect on the setting time of the rattan-cement mixes.
Keywords: rattan, cement composite, hydration temperature, setting time
Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology Volume9,: 5-17