Clay mineralogy, major oxides geochemistry and some geotechnical properties of two sandstone-derived lateritic soils taken from two topographically contrasting sites in Ishara, Southwestern Nigeria were investigated. The higher amounts of kaolinite and ferric oxide obtained for soil samples taken from gentle slopes than in those from flat terrains indicates that the soils along the gentle slope are better drained and more laterised than those from the flat site. This phenomenon is responsible for the higher amount of gravel-size particles, lower amount of sand-size particles, lower plasticity and higher strength characteristics exhibited by soil samples along the gentle slope than those in the flat site. It is thus reasonable to win soils required for construction work from gently slopy terrains since such soils are likely to possess better geotechnical characteristics than those from flat sites.
Journal of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 3(1) 2003: 1-6