A study was conducted between June and December 2009 in Umuariaga Ikwuano Umuahia Abia State to determine the preverlence intensity of infection and public health implication of helminth parasite infection of West African dwarf goat in the area.164 faecal sample were examined for helminth parasites using normal saline method.133(81.1%) were infected. Major factors identified to be responsible for this high prevalence are poor system management, illiteracy , lack of deworming programme, overcrowding of goats and aged farmers in business. The prevalence rate of Nematode 86.5%, Trematode 73.7% while Cestode 6.7% was observed. The infection rate for females reveals high burden of Nematode 96.8%, followed by Trematode 65.6% and a least was 6.3%. The male showed lower Nematode burden of 83.1% when compared with female and higher Trematode of 76.2% while cestode recorded 6.9%. Generally schinstosoma species have highest prevelence rate 21.1% followed by oesophagostomum 16.7%, charbetis ovis 14.0%. A lower prevalence was recorded in dictoroelium species 3.1%, Trichuris 1.8%, dictyocaulus species of 0.9%, Nematodirus 0.7% respectively. The rate of infection with regards to sex is however not satisfactory significant (p<0.05).The public health implication of some zoonotic important species for example fasciola and schistsoma with high tendency of transmission within the area were highlighted. Furthermore, poor management of goat rearing environment sanitation and personal hygiene were also emphasized to safeguard the health of the general public.
J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. Dec, 2012, Vol. 16 (4) 359-362