Forty soil samples were collected from two mechanic workshops (villages), Mile 2, Anyama and Mile 3, zone C and a control, UST to examine the pH, conductivity and the concentrations of lead (Pb) and iron (Fe). The pH at the top soil samples (0-15cm) were formed to be higher than those of the lower soil samples (15-30cm). pH values ranged from 7.3- 8.4. The values observed for conductivity also followed the same pattern as the pH with the top soil samples(0-15cm) having higher conductivity values than those of the lower soil samples (15-30cm) and were within the range of 7.70 × 10 - 6.60 × 102 μS/cm. The values of the pH and conductivity were higher in the mechanic workshops than the control. The concentration of Pb were very low at UST(control), which were 4.09mg/kg for the top soil and 3.44mg/kg when compared to those observed at the mechanic workshops which were within the range of 205.50mg/kg 1551.25mg/kg. The value of Pb was highest at Mile 3 zone C 1 (155.25mg/kg) and lowest at Mile 3 zone C 2 (205.50mg/kg). Iron (Fe) concentration was lowest at UST (control), being 1412.50mg/kg (top soil) and 2325.00mg/kg (lower soil) and was highest at the Mile 2, Anyama 1 workshop which was 13162.50mg/kg (top soil) and 13050.10mg/kg (lower soil). The work showed that the contribution of heavy metals into the soil through anthropogenic activities at the workshops is alarming.
J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. Dec., 2012, Vol. 16 (4) 317-321