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Ecological assessment of a coastal shallow lagoon in Lagos, Nigeria: A bio-indicator approach
the study and stations were Pachymelania aurita, Aloidis trigona, and Neritina glabrata. Station A (Ikorodu port) had seven taxa, station B (Ibese) had five while stations C (Ofin) and D (Oreta) had eight taxa each.
Stations A(Ikorodu port), B(Ibese), C(Ofin) and D(Oreta) accounted for 8.19%, 0.94%, 79.83% and 11.04% respectively in all the individuals collected. Gastropoda was highest and accounted for 54.83% of all individuals collected from all stations contributing 2.58% at station A and 0.49%, 48.39% and 3.37% respectively at stations B, C and D, while Polychaeta had the least (0.97%) with station A, B, C and D constituted 0.82%, 0.04%, 0.04% and 0.07% respectively. Sediment type of the study areas was predominantly muddy sand. The presence of more pollution tolerant species (Nereis spp, Capitella capitata and Polydora ciliata) in station A may serve to confirm that the community has been impacted by pollution. The low faunal abundance and diversity observed in station B could be attributed to stress imposed by effluents from industrial sources. The information of this study will be very useful in formulating policies and regulatory framework for sustainable management of Lagos Lagoon