The levels of some heavy metals were determined in Funaria hygrometrica (moss plant) harvested from the streets of Dutsinma town of Katsina State of Nigeria using atomic absorption spectrometry. Over the years the town has witnessed influx of people from neighbouring villages, as a Local government headquarters. The mean level of the metals in the study area varied between Cd (0.06μgg-1 and 0.43μgg-1); Cu (1.45μgg-1 and 4.97μgg-1); Fe (81.75μgg-1 and 131.48μgg-1); Mn (4.13μgg-1 and 9.64μgg-1); Ni (0.05μgg-1 and 0.16μgg-1); Pb (1.17μgg-1 and 6.40μgg-1) and Zn (3.82μgg-1 and 7.94μgg-1). The result shows relatively high levels for Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb and Zn in the plant. This was attributed to the concentrations of motor vehicles and some industries that have increased in the town over time. Other heavy metals (Cd and Ni) were found in relatively smaller concentrations. The absorption of these metals was related to their concentrations in the atmosphere as a result of industrial and automobile emissions.