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Characterization of the Geology of Subsurface Shallow Conglomerate using 2D Electrical Resistivity Imaging at Baragadi, Panna District, Madhya Pradesh, India
Madhya Pradesh, India. In the present study, the 2D electrical resistivity imaging of subsurface shallow conglomerate has been generated using through Computerized Resistivity Meter (CRM -500) and the Wenner electrode
configuration has been used for 2D electrical resistivity imaging studies. The measured apparent resistivity values have been subjected to inversion so as called a resistivity pseudosection by using RES2DINV 3.56 software. Resistivity contrast technique has been adopted to distinguish the rock properties in the form of resistivity distribution displayed in the imaging sections and to delineate the distribution of diamondiferous conglomerate horizons within
clay and kankar deposits in the Baragadi shallow congromerte lower part of Upper Vindhayan Formation.