The proximate and phytochemical composition of the leaves of Acalypha wilkesiana Muell Arg was investigated. The proximate composition includes moisture (57.60%), crude fibre (21.66% wet weight and 51.08% dry weight), total carbohydrate (12.50% wet weight and 29.48% dry weight), crude protein (3.94% wet weight and 9.29% dry weight), total ash (3.90% wet weight and 9.20% dry weight), crude fat (0.40% wet weight and 0.94% dry weight) and caloric value of (69.36% wet weight and 163.58% dry weight). The phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, carotenoids, flavonoids (catechins and flavones), saponins and tannins; with 19.05mg/100g wet weight and 44.93mg/100g wry weight carotenoids, 7.15mg/100g wet weight and 16.86mg/100g dry weight saponins, and 1.82mg/100g wet weight and 4.29mg/100g dry weight tannins. This result support the medicinal use of the plant, and in addition, unveils the possibility of its acting as a potential source of food nutrients and nutraceuticals.