Results of in-situ measurements of some physico-chemical and biological parameters (temperature, electrical conductivity, density, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, pH, and salinity) of Atlantic Ocean water at various depths are presented. It is shown that temperature and dissolved oxygen vary significantly with depth, while variations of the other parameters with depth are minimal. Temperature, dissolved oxygen, electrical conductivity, density, pH, and salinity vary in the ranges: 3.60C–28.320C, 1.8mg/l–8.4mg/l, 3 . 29 ì s/cm – 4 .71 ì s/cm, 1017 .34 kg//m 3 –1036 .61 kg//m 3 , 7.1–8.4, and 34.52ppt –35.8ppt respectively. Turbidity is less than
1.0NTU, indicating that the water is clear and transparent.