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Nutritive Value and Digestion Kinetics of Manure Ensiled Wheat Straw Treated with Varying Levels of Urea and Corn Grains
straw. The urea-corn grain treated wheat straw was mixed with cattle manure in the ratio of 70:30. The silages were fermented in laboratory silos for 20, 30 and 40 days. After the completion of ensilation period, the samples of ensiled wheat straw were analyzed for pH, dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), true protein (TP), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-
N), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF). The result showed that pH, NDF and ADF were decreased at 40 days ensilation period, 4% corn grains (CG) and urea levels each. Dry matter, CP, TP and NH3-N were increased at 40 days of ensilation period, 4% CG and urea level each. On the findings of this result, wheat straw was ensiled with manure for 40 days and 4% level of CG and urea each. Then in situ digestion kinetics of untreated and ensiled wheat straw was determined by using fistulated buffalo bulls. The results of the present study showed that dry matter digestibility (DMD) of manure ensiled wheat straw (EWS) were higher than untreated wheat straw (UWS) that was 15.43 and 13.71 respectively. Similarly, neutral detergent fiber digestibility of EWS was higher than UWS
that was 57.60 and 41.43 respectively.