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The status of Schistosoma haematobium infection in Anyu community in the Niger Delta, Nigeria

PI Agi
GDB Awi-Waadu


A total of 3,948 urine samples were examined for schristosome infection at Anyu in the Niger Delta, Nigeria, Two thousand and forty eight (51.9%) of the people examined were infected with Schistosomiasis. Highest infection (80.4%) was recorded in the 7-10 years age group and the lowest infection occurred in the 47-50
years of age. All the age groups between 3-47 years that were examined were infected with urinary schistosomiasis. Males were more infected (55.2%) than the females (47.2%). Intensity of infection was also highest in the 4-7 years age category. About 1022 (49.9%) of the positive individuals were excreting less than 100 ova of S. heamatobium per 10cm3 of urine, while 227 (11.1%) were excreting more than 500 ova per 10cm3 of urine. Bulinus globosus was the
snail vector of S heamatobium in the area. Percentage infection of the snail vector was 5.0%. Snail infection was higher during the dry season, while snail population responded to the quantity of rainfall. Based on these data, it was proposed that interception of S. heamatobuim transmission in the study area would involve mass chemotherapy and
focal application of molluscicides in the community ponds during the dry season.