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Hookworm infection in Amassoma Community in the Niger Delta, Nigeria
(36.7%) infected samples were females. Incidence or new cases of hookworm infection occurred every month. Highest incidence (12.2%) occurred in September and the lowest (1.8%) was in February. The high soil moisture and temperature of the study area were probably responsible for the rapid larval development and infectivity all round the
year. Percentage new infection was highest (1.5%) in the 4-9 years old. Peak prevalence of hookworm infection (38.5%) and peak intensity (3000 e pg) occurred in 4-9 years age group. Both prevalence and intensity declined gradually with increase in age. The study demonstrated that the best time for intervention of hookworm transmission is February when incidence is lowest. Also the age group for targeted mass chemotherapy is the 4-9 years old, which
had the highest prevalence, incidence and intensity of hookworm infection. This study provides baseline data on the epidemiology of hookworm infection in the Niger Delta.