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Mapping Bedrock Topography using Electromagnetic Profiling
packages of thinly layered olive green to dark gray blush black shale, which are frequently calcareous, subordinate fine-grained micaceous sandstone; micaceous siltstone, sandy shales and shelly limestone. Two-man portable Geonics EM 34-3 electromagnetic equipment was used in the profiling normal to the strike. The results show that
typical conductivity value of the shallow bedrock (1.51-2.0m) lies between 22.1-53.7 mmho/m while conductivity values from 269-786mmohm/m indicate thicker/deeper (25-30m) fractures with higher moisture contents. Mapping of bedrock topography at Echara Unuhu enabled us to locate a point which on drilling produces good water yield; this technique is recommended for use in formations with similar characteristics.