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Nutritional Composition of Some Leafy Vegetables Consumed in Imo State, Nigeria
Curcubita pepo and Gnetum africana was analyzed using the methods of Association of Analytical Chemist (AOAC) 1990. The moisture content of undefatted A.hybridus, C.pepo and G. africana was 8.35% ± 0.05,
8.55%± 0.01 and 7.60% ± 0.01 respectively while defatted samples had 17.60% ± 0.01, 18.70%± 0.02 and 15.00% ± 0.01 respectively. Undefatted A.hybridus, C.pepo and G. africana had 1.60% ± 0.02, 4.15% ± 0.02 and 7.10% ± 0.02 of crude lipids respectively. The crude protein content of defatted A.hybridus, C.pepo and G.
africana was 12.04% ±0.00, 21.60% ± 0.01 and 4.86% ± 0.01 respectively while undefatted A.hybridus, C.pepo and G. africana had crude protein of 32.95% ± 0.01, 20.80% ± 0.02 and 19.67% ± 0.01 respectively. The crude fibre content of undefatted A.hybridus, C.pepo and G. africana was 19.60% ± 0.01, 16.35% ±0.00 and 27.25%
± 0.00 respectively while defatted A.hybridus, C.pepo and G. africana had crude fibre content of 12.40% ±0.01, 3.16% ± 0.01 and 13.70% ± 0.00 respectively. The ash content of undefatted A.hybridus, C.pepo and G.africana was 17.70% ± 0.01, 15.20% ±0.02 and 8.00% ± 0.02 respectively while the ash content of defatted A.hybridus, C.pepo and G. africana was 43.60% ± 0.02, 43.60% ± 0.02 and 47.90% ± 0.02 respectively. The total carbohydrate content of undefatted A.hybridus, C.pepo and G. africana was 15.40% ± 0.02, 30.40% ± 0.01
and 30.38% ± 0.01 respectively while the total carbohydrate content of defatted A.hybridus, C.pepo and G. africana , was 14.36% ± 0.01, 12.94% ± 0.01 C.pepo and G. africana, was 14.36% ± 0.01, 12.94% ± 0.01 and 18.54% ± 0.01 respectively. The mineral composition of udefatted A.hybridus, C.pepo and G. africana showed 64.60mg/g, 38.60mg/g and 10.50mg/g of sodium; 11.05mg/g, 9.08mg/g and 3.40mg/g of potassium; 13.68mg/g, 11.52mg/g and 3.60mg/g of magnesium; 28.80mg/g, 32.00mg/g and 13.60mg/g of calcuim; 87.50mg/g, 65.25 mg/g and 78.75mg/g of iron; 0.99mg/g 1.15mg/g and 0.35mg/g of phosphorus respectively. Defatted
A.hybridus, C.pepo and G. africana showed mineral composition of 24.80mg/g, 17.50mg/g and 6.14mg/g of sodium; 8.65mg/g, 4.64mg/g and 4.10mg/g of potassium;12.48mg/g,2.18mg/g and 3.36mg/g of magnesium, 26.40mg/g, 28.40mg/g and 12.80mg/g of calcium; 0.81mg/g, 45.00mg/g and 37.50mg/g of iron; 8.57mg/g,
1.12mg/g and 0.18mg/g of phosphorus respectively. The cyanogenic glycoside was higher in the undefatted than the defatted vegetables. Based on the results obtained it is more rewarding nutritionally to consume leafy vegetables in their undefatted form.