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Investigation on the Methaemoglobin Concentration of Three Human Erythrocyte Genotypes Infected With Plasmodium falciparum.
subjects/volunteers was carried out. Spectrophotometric method was used for the determination of erythrocyte methaemoglobin concentration. The mean (+S.D) methaemoglobin concentration, expressed as percentage (Met.Hb %) of total haemoglobin concentration of three erythrocyte was in the order: HbAA0.05) between methaemoglobin concentrations of HbAA and HbAS erythrocyte of nonmalarious human subjects/volunteers. Erythrocyte obtained from blood sample of malarious human subjects/volunteers exhibited significantly (p<0.05) higher levels of methaemoglobin concentrations than those of non-malarious individuals, irrespective of their genotype and gender. In a similar manner, P. falciparum infected
erythrocyte of malarious male individuals contained significantly (p<0.05) higher methaemoglobin concentration than the female group. Furthermore, with exception of HbAS erythrocytes, the other two red cell genotypes (HbAA and HbSS) showed significant difference (p<0.05) in methaemoglobin content between malarious male and female subjects/volunteers. The study suggests that erythrocyte methaemoglobin evaluation might be a reliable biochemical
marker and possess promising rational for diagnostic potential in malaria