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Hydraulic properties from pumping tests data of aquifers in Azare area, North Eastern Nigeria.
The values of the aquifer constants obtained from the Cooper-Jacob’s non-equilibrium graphical method were generally low. Yield, Q, values range from 2.24 to 17.46m3/hr (6.22 x 10-4 to 4.85 x 10-3 m/sec), while Transmissivity, T, fell between 7.39 x 10-6 and 3.55 x 10-4m2/sec and hydraulic conductivity, K, from 5.62 x 10-7 to
42.54 x 10-5 m/sec. The average specific capacity, Cs, value is 2.10 x 10-4m3/sec/m. The total yield is 98.67m3/hr or 2368.08m3/day, and drawdowns in excess of 20m were recorded. These values indicate that the hydraulic characteristics of the aquifers are poor. The implication is that the available boreholes cannot provide sufficient water
for domestic and agricultural needs of the area. The Azare area therefore will continue to face severe water supply problems with increasing populations unless more wells are drilled, and supplemented by water impoundment using dams.