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Fuel gases from pyrolysis of waste Polyethylene sachets
temperatures of 250C -1400C produced 2.53% ethane, 21.67% propane and 75.82 % propylene. The volume of the gaseous products at this low temperature is far less than the initial volume of the waste resulting into over 80% reduction in the volume of waste generated by discarding the polyethylene waste. Fresh samples of the waste were
pyrolysed at higher temperature range from 500C – 2500C and cooled in a condenser. The non-condensable gas produced were collected and analyzed with Shimadzu gas chromatography. The analysis shows that C1 – C6, and other alkenes and isoparaffins (18 ethylene monomers) were produced. The gaseous products being 75.82% propylene at low temperatures and 48.6% (normal and Iso) butane at higher temperatures. The flame test carried out shows that the gaseous products burns with a blue flame at lower temperature range. Above 3000C the flame becomes more luminous and production of fuel gases stops at 5500C. Production of fuel oil from waste polyethylene led to
production of large volume of gaseous products, some of which are non-condensable at room temperature. The gaseous products can serve as feedstock and as fuel gas