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Studies on the Intestinal Worm (Helminthiasis) infestation in a Central Nigerian Rural Community
helminthic infections. Helminths encountered include Hookworm, Schistosoma mansoni, Trichuris trichiura, Strongyloides stercoralis, Ascaris lumbricoides, and Hymenolepis nana. Hookworm was the most predominant, followed by S. stercoralis, S. mansoni and A. lumbricoides with T. trichiura as the least. Intestinal helminthiasis was equally prevalent for males and females. However, infection rates were high among persons below ten years of age,
in toddlers, housewives and farmers than others. Persons defecating in the bush harbored more worms (56.7%) than pit latrine users (43.3%). Free medical diagnosis in most rural communities in Nigeria are probably justifiable and should be promoted and/or sustained by government. For protective purposes, conscientious personal cleanliness, proper sanitation and controlled good water supplies would be more useful. @JASEM