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Isolation of Native Fungi from Sawdust Collected at a Sawmill from Adeleke Area, Ogbomosho, Oyo State, Nigeria

A. P. Akomolafe
K. A. Odelade
S. O. Sulaimon


Sawdust is an agricultural waste and could be utilized in several productive and beneficial entities. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to assess the Isolation of Native Fungi from Sawdust collected at sawmill from Adeleke area, Ogbomosho, Oyo state, Nigeria using appropriate standard procedures. Results were obtained at 25°C and 35°C in this study. At 35°C, the result reveals that Aspergillus carbonarius cultured with sawdust had the highest enzymatic activity of 3.65±1.414 than with CMC where it had an enzymatic activity of 2.9±0.070. Rhizopus nigrican had an enzymatic activity of 3.5±1.414 with sawdust than with CMC where it had an enzymatic activity of 2.7±1.414. Aspergillus flavus had an enzymatic activity of 2.45±0.707 with sawdust than with CMC where it had an enzymatic activity of 1.95±0.707. Aspergillus Niger had an enzymatic activity of 2.4±1.414 with sawdust than with CMC where it had an enzymatic activity of 1.6±1.414. Trichoderma harzianum had an enzymatic activity of 2±1.414 with sawdust than with CMC where it had an enzymatic activity of 1.3±1.414. In this study, Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus carbonarius, Rhizopus nigrican, and Trichoderma harzianum showed significant cellulolytic ability to degrade sawdust. Rhizopus nigrican showed the highest fermentation ability and producing clear zones of 40mm (25°C) and 34mm (35°C) (p<0.001). Hence, the use of Rhizopus nigrican in the production of cellulase using sawdust as an agro waste is possible because of its high cellulolytic ability which was observed at both temperatures.

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eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502