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Potential Production of Fuel Pellets for Energy Generation and Utilization from Common Food Wastes Generated in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria

A. C. Adingwupu
J. Oluwafemi
J. E. Igbagbon


The amount of solid waste generated in Nigeria continues to increase due to the rising population and poor waste management ethics. Consequently, the objective of this paper was to investigate the potential production of fuel pellets for energy generation and utilization from common food (rice, yam peel, potato peel, and eba) wastes generated in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria using appropriate standard methods. Data obtained show that the volatile matter and fixed carbon of the pellet obtained after drying were in the range of 68.2% to 78% and 10.62% to 12.62% respectively which showed good qualities of a combustible solid fuel. This study has been able to establish that the lower heating value of food waste pellet generated from some common food waste in Nigeria such as rice, eba, orange peel, potato peel and yam peel range from 16.114MJ/kg to 17.735MJ/kg. The dried sample has high volatile matter of 68.2% to 78%, fixed carbon of 10.62% to 12.72%, low ash content of 1.73 to 9.87% and considerably low sulphur content of 0.06% to 0.1% which is suitable for energy utilization. The low ash content and sulphur content revealed of the pellet also are highly desirable of solid fuels. The higher heating value of the pellets was between 16.114MJ/kg to 17.735MJ/kg. The pellets' competitive energy content and environmentally favorable properties make them an efficient option for heat and power generation, particularly in rural and semi-urban regions.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502