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Decade of Electrical Submersible Pumps Failures: Case Study on Performance and Optimization

W. M. Mahmud
A. M. Jaluta


Electrical submersible pumps (ESPs) are widely used as an artificial lift technique utilized for oil production worldwide. Run and pull reports and production tests were analyzed. The paper also recommends mitigation strategies for determined failures to prolong an ESP run life. Electrical failures are the most common ESP failures mainly due interruptions and discontinuations in electricity supply. Technical and operational failures because of improper ESP pump selection and planning. Employing ESP system design that takes into consideration reservoir potential and reservoir fluid and rock properties, while also accounting for the economic factor, can prevent these failures. Mechanical failures are mostly material dependent. It is therefore important to properly select material that is compatible and corrosion resistant to prevent grounded cable and motor and hole in production tubing. Suitable material implementation prolongs run life of an ESP assembly. Employing the proper material prevents component failures. Implementing suitable scale inhibitor to deal with scale depositions as well as utilizing gravel pack for sand screening assists in reducing ESP failures. Regular well cleaning may also reduce pump flow passages being stuck. Some ESP assembly failures are related and can cause other failures. Thus, early prevention of such failures results in failures discontinuation.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502