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Levels of Water Supply, Sanitation, Hygiene and Health Status of Residents of Two Communities That Shares Boundaries with a First-Generation Tertiary Institution in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria
Levels of water supply, sanitation, hygiene and health status of residents of two communities that shares boundaries with a first-generation tertiary institution in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria was evaluated, using a structured questionnaire. Findings showed that residents primarily relied on boreholes within their premises as main water source, with 72.7 % and 87 % of respondents (Ekosodin and BDPA community respectively). The sanitation facilities were predominantly in both communities, however, 17.3% respondents in the BDPA community indicated that the toilets were not sufficient for use. Respondents (67.3 %) in Ekosodin community reported the availability of soap and water within their premises, against 42 % respondents in BDPA. Respondents of Ekosodin community (82.7 %) had separate containers for bathing and storing drinking water, contrary to the 31.3 % respondents of BDPA community. Health status’ findings revealed that a worrisome percentage of respondents (81.3%) in Ekosodin community and (66.7%) in BDPA community indicated the presence of rodents in their houses, hospital/clinic facilities were the primary choice for medical treatment in both communities. In conclusion, community-based intervention programs need to be carried out to educate the populace of both Ekosodin and BDPA residents on the implementation and maintenance of WASH facilities.