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Anti-microbial and Phytochemical Characterization of Leaves Extracts of Starburr (A. hispidum) collected from Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State, Nigeria

B. Pam
M. H. Adamu
A. M. Kolo
D. W. Malgwi


Starburr (Acanthospermum hispidum) extract has been reportedly used in North and Western Nigeria and Nigeria at large to treat stomach ache, malaria and abdominal pain. In view of its usage, the objective of this paper was to characterize, carry out the anti-microbial activity and qualitative and quantitative phytochemical analysis of leaves extracts of Starburr of A.  hispidum collected from Jos North Local Government Area of Plateau State.  Fine powdered sample of A hispidum leaves were extracted using n-Hexane, acetone, ethyl acetate and methanol sequentially in the increasing order of polarity using maceration extraction method. Percentage yield of the leaves of A hispidum. extracts were n-hexane (3.6 %) acetone (4.0 %) ethyl acetate (2.2 %) and methanol (4.10 %). Qualitative phytochemical screening revealed the presence of alkaloids, tannins, saponins, flavonoids, glycosides and terpenoids. Quantitative phytochemical screening revealed alkaloids (1.456) saponins (3.56) tannins (0.04852) terpenoids(0.05208) for methanol extract alkaloids(1.176) saponins(3.64) tannins(0.0372) terpenoids(0.0398) for ethyl acetate extract and alkaloids(0.328) saponins(3.20) tannins(0.02344) terpenoids(0.01948) for acetone extract. Antimicrobial activity analysis revealed inhibition growth of clinical pathogens which are E. coli, S. aureus, S. typhi, P. aeruginosa, S. pneumonaie, C. albicans as compared with standard of penicillin with inhibition zone of 18 mm and ketokonazol with inhibition zone of 24 mm . The methanol extract with zone of inhibition range of 10 mm to 18.5 mm of the leaves showed a promising potency against the test microbes.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502