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Evaluation of Physicochemical Properties, Drying Process and Drying Conditions of Natural Rubber Latex and Ribbed Smoked Sheets

I. O. Bakare


Natural rubber (NR) is an important export commodity in Nigeria with versatile applications in many industries. Its latex or lump forms are regarded as the farm gate while the ribbed smoked sheet (RSS) is the raw materials feeding the rubber industry and both are very essential in the productions process. Consequently the objective of this paper is to investigate the Evaluation of physicochemical properties, drying process and drying conditions of natural rubber (NR) latex and Ribbed Smoked Sheets (RSS) obtained from Benin City, Nigeria using appropriate standard procedures. Data obtained show that the constituents of Hevea (NR) latex are dry rubber content (%) 35.60; Lipids (%) 1.08; Protéines (%) 1.23; Carbohydrates (%) 1.40; Minerals (%) 0.47; Water (%) 60.22; Sspecific gravity (28 °C) 0.931± 0.003; Total solid content (TSC) (%) 43.20 ± 1.03; Mechanical stability M.S.T (%) 650 ± 1.06; Volatile fatty acids VFA (%) 0.18 ±0.07; Nitrogen Content (%) 0.55 ± 0.03, while the property of the ribbed smoked sheets (RSS) were Dirt % (wt) 0.15; Ash % (wt) 0.11; Volatile matter % (wt) 0.38; Wallace plasticity Po (47), PRI (74) and lightly brown in colour. The results obtained showed that processing NR into RSS not only served as a preservative, which improved the storage durability, but also imparted flavour, aroma, and attractive colour to the cured sheets. This study sheds more light on the processing, storage conditions, durability, and efficient production of high-value-added RSS developed from natural rubber latex.

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eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502