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Developing an Enhanced Payroll Management System
Payroll, as a part of human resource management, is the process of accurately calculating employees’ salaries and emoluments. The process of salary computations is quite tedious if done manually and therefore requires more effort, time, and energy, especially in a large organization. Hence, the objective of this paper is to develop an Enhanced Payroll Management System for Improved Efficiency and Accuracy using appropriate computational techniques. The system was developed and implemented using the Bootstrap framework, Personal Home Page (PHP), Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), JavaScript (JS), Ajax, and MySQLi databases. Some results obtained from the proposed system show significant improvement in terms of accuracy, efficiency, trustworthiness, and flexibility. This development demonstrates that data confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the system have increased and equally provided a user-friendly environment for employers to analyze salaries, all payments, allowances, and deductions, as well as be able to print reports and pay slips for decision-making.