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Therapeutic Characteristics of Essential Oils: Historical and Scientific Considerations

G. A. Udourioh
B. M. Bazza
M. P. Pilani
M. M. Solomon


Essential oils (EOs) have been recognized globally for their medicinal value since ancient times. Records have shown that in Mesopotamia, Persia, ancient Egypt, China, and India, EOs were used in various forms to treat different ailments. However, their therapeutic property most often remained a mystery. EOs have been used in aromatherapy to heal both body and mind and as perfumes, fragrances, and flavors for foods and beverages. Essential oils are highly economically valued; peppermint, lavender, geranium, eucalyptus, rose, bergamot, sandalwood, and chamomile EOs are the most frequently traded. Additionally, EOs are exciting and powerful natural plant products with great religious significance, and as recorded in historical books, EOs such as frankincense and myrrh were among the important gifts usually offered to the kings as a symbol of protection and command of influence and attraction. This study presents the historical and scientific shreds of evidence surrounding the therapeutic characteristics of EOs. The myths and scientific facts based on chemical composition, about EOs are highlighted. A perspective is given on the best approach to using essential oils to achieve maximum results and future expectations about the science of essential oils.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502