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Evaluation on the Use of Synthetic Essential Oils as Perfumery Diluent in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

A. W. Ebuete
Y. I. Ebuete
O. K. Berezi


Essential Oils (EOs) is responsible for their essence or odor, however, the natural composition of the product has been long defeated with the introduction of synthetic products to gag the inequality in demand and supply chain. Hence, the objective of this paper was to evaluate the Use of Synthetic Essential Oils as Perfumery Diluent in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria using appropriate standard methods. Data obtained show that among heavy users of diluted (synthetic) essential oil is female (63%) as against the male (37%) counterparts. The three tires age ranking in this study revealed that 51% of the total users fall within the age bracket of 15-25 years, 26-50 years (38%) and only 51-70 years (11%). Due to time spent and complicated body beauty care processes female salon (65%) consume more EOs than men salon (35%); exposing them more to the danger of synthetic essential oils. The study revealed that synthetic essential oils are dangerous to human health, therefore, it is a wake-up call for caution in the used of synthetic essential oil to avert inherent self-inflicting health challenges. Cutting the supply chain by enforcing criminal laws against illegal Essential Oils business actors is a way forward to correct this menace.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502