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Evaluation of the Effect of Ethanol Leaf Extract of Solanum torvum (Egg Plant) on Renal Health Using Wistar Rats
The widespread belief among users of plant-derived medicines that they are unlikely to cause harm has resulted in a lack of caution in their usage, underreporting of toxicity information, and potential abuse of these substances. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the potential effects of ethanol leaf extract of Solanum torvum (eggplant) on renal health in Wistar rats using standard techniques. Twenty adult male Wistar rats were divided into four groups of five rats each. The data obtained showed that there was a less than 50% increase in body weight across all groups investigated. Rats that received 400 mg/kg of S. torvum ethanol leaf extract had the highest level of creatinine, while those given 300 mg/kg of S. torvum ethanol leaf extract had the highest level of urea. The results revealed that ethanol leaf extract of S. torvum did not impede growth but distorted kidney's histological structure.