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Solid Waste Management: Generation, Characteristics, Disposal, and Recommendations for Sustainable Management at a Tertiary Institution in Bangladesh

M. N. Hossain
M. J. F. Rumpa
T. Tabassum
M. Ashiquzzaman
M. A. Khan
A. A. Anisa
S. Miah
M. M. Haque


The study was carried out at a public university regarded as the cleanest campus in Bangladesh because of its immaculate appearance and abundant greenery. However, the university's cleanliness has recently been severely impacted by irresponsible solid waste disposal and improper waste management. Hence, the objective of this study was to evaluate the generation, characteristics, disposal, and recommendations of sustainable solid waste management at a tertiary institution, the University of Rajshahi in Bangladesh using appropriate standard methods. During the study period, the university's average monthly solid waste generation was estimated to be 32033.30 kg (32.03 metric tons), of which the greatest portions were made up of food waste or organic waste and paper (69.30% and 10.84%, respectively). There were 5.05%, 3.39%, 2.23%, 0.82%, 1.12%, and 7.24%, of plastics, textiles and wood, leather and rubber, metal, glass, and other wastes, respectively. The campus generates about 0.10 kg of solid waste per person per day. The total amount of waste generated daily was 250.19 kg (23.45%) of recyclables and 816.52 kg (76.55%) of non-recyclables. There are 48 dumping sites on campus, most unsanitary and seriously threaten the university's safety. Therefore, university authorities must quickly enhance the campus's environmental conditions through efficient solid waste management.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502