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Performance Evaluation of Grey Relational Analysis Method in the Optimization of Machining Operation Performed on Cylindrical Mild Steel Bar

D. Onyekachi
U. E. Affe


Machining operation is a core aspect of the manufacturing industry as it involves a process of material removal using cutting and machine tools to accurately obtain the required product dimensions with good surface finish. The objective of this paper was to investigate the performance evaluation in the optimization of machining operations performed on a 30 mm cylindrical mild steel bar, with cutting speed, feed rate and depth of cut as cutting parameters and metal removal rate and surface roughness as responses using a lathe machine to obtained the responses, afterwhich the results were analysed by Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) technique. Data obtained show that the nineteenth experimental run with the following combined parameters; cutting speed 120rev/min, feed rate 0.1rev/mm, and depth of cut 0.5mm gave the optimal responses.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502