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Socio-Economic Importance of Adansonia digitata (Baobab) in New-Bussa and its Environs, Niger State, Nigeria
The study accessed socio-economic importance of Adansonia digitata (Baobab) in New-Bussa and its environs, Niger State Nigeria. Data were collected with the aid of pre-tested questionnaire. Purposive and accidental sampling techniques were used to select the community and the respondents. Data collected was subjected to descriptive analysis. The demographic characteristics of the respondents indicated that male had the highest percentage (65.0%) with 31-35 years recording highest (31.2%). Majority (40.0%) of the respondents are farmers. The finding further revealed that majority of the respondents (41.3%) had secondary education. Majority (53) of the respondent are involves in the collection of Adansonia digitata and the people involves in the processing and marketing of Adansonia digitata are mostly women. The frequently used parts of the plants are leaves and bark. The socio-economic importance of the plants is to generate income. Perception of respondents towards the status of Adansonia digitata showed that the plants are decreasing and the reasons for the changes in the study area are due to human exploitation and infrastructure development. The study concludes that Adansonia digitata tree contributed immensely to the economic development of study area through the provision of wild food, medicine and fuelwood.