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Mineral Characteristics and Organoleptic Properties of Musa balbisiana (Wild Banana) Pseudostem collected from San Francisco, Mainit, Surigao del Norte, Philippines and Incorporated into Patty Formulations

G. Q. Diamola
E. C. Taer
R. J. C. Ferol
L. R. Antigro
B. C. Bagaipo


A patty is a crushed, compacted and flattened small cake of ground meat (beef) or fish or legumes, grains, vegetables, or meat alternatives usually fried. The objective of this paper is to evaluate the mineral characteristics and organoleptic properties of Musa balbisiana (wild banana) pseudostem collected from San Francisco, Mainit, Surigao del Norte and Philippines incorporated into patty formulations using appropriate standard procedures. The study employed a completely randomized design with five treatments replicated three times, where patties were formulated with different proportions of M. balbisiana pseudostem core (MB): T1: Flour-based T2: MB 100% T3: MB 75% T5: MB 50% T5: MB 25%. The pseudostem core showed the following chemical contents in ppm: Potassium-106,451, phosphorus-3,682, calcium-3,817, and magnesium-2,977. Sensory evaluation by 50 semi-trained panelists showed that MB 75% achieved optimal results, performing comparably or superior to the control in several attributes, notably surpassing it in color (8.49 vs. 8.14, p<0.05) and texture (8.39 vs. 7.78, p<0.05) ratings while maintaining high acceptability in appearance (7.59), aroma (7.41), and taste (7.61). Correlation analysis revealed strong positive relationships between appearance and aroma (r = 0.988) and general acceptability (r = 0.942). At the same time, mineral content showed consistent moderate negative correlations with taste (r = -0.697) and general acceptability (r = -0.497). These findings demonstrate that M. balbisiana pseudostem core can effectively replace up to 75% of flour in patty formulations while maintaining or enhancing sensory qualities, significantly advancing sustainable ingredient utilization in food product development.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502