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Correlation Between Potential Strategies to Minimize Road Construction Delay in Tanzania

G. Gabriel
R. Tekka
Y. Mwishwa


The construction sector, one of the fastest-growing and globally recognized sectors, significantly contributes to the development of other numerous sectors of the economy including in multiple nations including Tanzania. Despite its importance, the industry has repeatedly been tremendously overwhelmed with countless challenges, including the inability to finish construction projects within a given schedule. Hence, the objective of this paper was to evaluate the potential strategies and examine the correlation between strategies as a measure to reduce construction project delays in Tanzania using appropriate standard procedure. The study adopted the questionnaire tool and the survey interview to collect the respondent’s opinion from 208 respondents, including contractors (59.13%), clients (15.87%), suppliers (12.98%) and consultants (10.10%) obtained through stratified sampling. The relative importance index (RII) of the data was computed using a Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS 24) software tool to obtain the descriptive information and inferential statistics. The findings have revealed seven potential strategies for reducing construction project delays. However, the finding has determined and recognized a positively significant correlation between strategies towards minimizing the construction project delays. The strategies were categorized in six clusters, namely effective project management, procurement and supply; resource adequacy, monetary or financial, design or technical, information and communication, as well as external strategies.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502