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Design and Fabrication of an Improved Garri Frying Machine

J. O. Ejonobo


The final stage of garification is frying and cooling. Throughout history, frying of garri has been

done manually with minimal crude mechanization. Hence, the objective of this paper was to design and fabricate an improved version of garri frying machine for improve quality, enhance production rate and efficiency of the machine using various standard methods. the required temperature that could fry the garri containing 50-55% moisture content to a 12% garri can be taken to be 90°C With the design of this machine, we can infer that at a constant temperature of 90°C, about 50kg and more of cassava mash can be fried to get a high quality garri of about 10-12% moisture contained in 1 hour.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502