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Delineation of Aquifer Protective Capacity and Groundwater Yield of Surrounding Environment of Ikpeshi, Akoko-Edo, Edo State, Nigeria

K. Ojeaga
O. Osauzou


The objective of this paper was to delineate the aquifer protective capacity and groundwater yield of the environment of Ikpeshi, Akoko Edo, Edo state, Nigeria using electrical resistivity method. Four (4) vertical electric soundings (VES) in Schlumberger configuration were conducted using ABEM Terrameter for acquisition of data. Results of geo-electric sections revealed that most of the aquifers were semi confined, consisting of coarse grained-sand and fine-grained sand with different thickness. The major curve types are HAA and HKH. The results of Dar zarrouck parameters evaluated indicated that the mean longitudinal conductance for VES2, VES3 and VES 4 were 0.21186, 0.009178, 0.06910 and 0.06683 respectively. This implies that the aquifer protective capacity in the study area were generally poor with exception of VES1 that was considered moderate. The mean hydraulic conductivity ranging from 0.000448 to 19.098 indicating that the yielding potential ranged from low to moderate. The transmissivity values for VES1 (114.06 m2 /day) and VES4 (74.57 m2 /day) show moderate groundwater potential while VES2 (48.05m2 /day) and VES3 (33.2 m2 /day) indicates low groundwater potential. Transverse resistance ranged from 3386.35 to 128300.34 Ωm2 and were below 200,000 Ωm2 indicating inadequate aquifer thickness and low groundwater potential. Geochemical analysis of water and soil samples from the area is therefore recommended in order to ascertain contaminant sources, migration and preferred treatment methods.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502