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Evaluation of Physicochemical Parameters, Total Bacteria Count and some Heavy Metal Levels in Soil from Automobile Workshop Activities at Nnewi Local Government Area, Anambra State, Nigeria

E. I. Madukasi
O. Agbazue


Disposal of used motor oil and chemical substances on land leads to loss in soil quality by minimal abundance and variety of microorganisms in soil. The objective of this paper was to evalaute the physicochemical parameters, total bacteria count and some heavy metal levels in soil from automobile workshop activities at Nnewi Local Government Area, Anambra State, Nigeria. Using field survey and  appropriate standard laboratory analyses, the results showed that the control uncontaminated soil samples recorded high bacteria count (6.9 x106 cfu/g). The available soil nitrogen(9.0), soil nutrients nitrate (15.10) and phosphorous (17.3) all recorded appropriate values when compared with WHO standard. The acidity of the soil using pH value as an indicator showed that the uncontaminated control soil samples were acceptable for crops also the Ec values. The heavy metals analysed indicates that the control soil samples were also moderate in heavy metals accumulation when compared with the contaminated soil samples particularly Cd, Pb (0.08) and Hg (0.01) while Cd was not detectable. These findings have shown that automobile activities can denature soil properties which could lead to soil infertility. The automobile activities has to be controled by the concerned agencies in Nigeria. Environmental education should be encouraged to reduce effects of anthropogenic activities on soil quality in the study area.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502