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Erectile Dysfunction in Men with Diabetes: Pathophysiology and Treatment Approaches

A. E. Ubhenin
F. Anura
R. I. Idris
S. O. Innih


Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a prevalent condition with significant physiological and psychological implications for men, particularly those with diabetes. Therefore, this paper aims to conduct a systematic review to explore the multifaceted aspects of ED in men with diabetes, encompassing prevalence, risk factors, pathophysiology, diagnostic methods, treatments, psychological interventions, and emerging therapies. Secondary data were gathered through a comprehensive literature search of reputable databases using relevant keywords from 1996 to 2020. The data obtained indicate that the global prevalence of ED increases with age, with substantial rates observed in older men. Cardiovascular risk factors, diabetes, hormonal imbalances, and psychological factors are identified as major contributors to ED development. The quality of life of men with ED is profoundly affected, leading to psychological distress and strained relationships. Future perspectives involve personalized treatments, nanotechnology, and innovative therapies. While promising, challenges in managing ED include stigma, underreporting, complex etiology, and limited access to specialized care. Comprehensive and individualized approaches are crucial to optimize treatment outcomes for men with ED, particularly those with diabetes.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502