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Mineral Composition of Seed and Leaf of Terminalia cattappa (Almond Tree) Tree species Collected from a Forestry Arboretum in a Teaching and Research Farm, Rivers State, Nigeria

P. C. Nnadi
H. Dickson
F. Owono


The Objective of this Paper was to evaluate the Mineral Composition of Seed and Leaf of Terminalia catappa (Almond Tree) tree Species Collected from a Forestry arboretum in a teaching and research farm, Rivers State, Nigeria after using Standard methods after acid digestion. The result in Minerals Content showed that the seed had Zinc 2.57±0.01, Iron 8.76±0.01, Potassium 152.0±1.00, Sodium 109.4±17.8, Manganese 2.10±0.25 while the leaf had Zinc 2.57±0.01, Iron 8.89±0.01, Potassium 480.5±0.50, Sodium 114.1±40.2, Manganese 52.6±1.80.Also, the result in total mineral content shows that potassium had the highest both in seed and leaf 316.3± 189.7 followed by sodium .In conclusion, the leaf had the highest mineral content as compared to the seed. There is need to establish the plantation of Terminalia catappa for conservation and optimum utilization of this important socio-economic tree species.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502