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Palynological and Sequence Stratigraphy Framework of Campanian-Maastrichtian Deposit of Anambra Basin, Awgu Section, Southeast Nigeria

I. S. Didei
N. E. Ajaegwu


A combination of palynological and palynofacies data are used as lithological evidence to describe sequence stratigraphic framework. Hence, the objective of this paper as to deploy the palynological and sequence stratigraphy framework of Campanian-Maastrichtian deposit of Anambra Basin, Awgu Section, Southeast Nigeria using standard techniques. The sequence stratigraphic analysis of the various succession in the studied outcrop sections identified parasequences limited by flooding surfaces with no evidence of erosion. The Nkporo and Mamu Formations were dated using the associated palynomorphs. The Anambra Basin show some complexity in terms of depositional style, sequence stratigraphy and control during the early and post infill of the structurally control basin. The outcrop sections logged reveals the presence of key stratigraphic surfaces and system tracts. The results from this study provides useful information of reservoir and seal rocks that are essential for hydrocarbon accumulation and stratigraphic trapping on the bases of the alternating high stand, low stand and transgressive system tracts.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502