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Trichomoniasis Spread amongst Pregnant Women attending a Tertiary Institution Teaching Hospital for Antenatal Routine in Kwara State, Nigeria

A. A. Aishat
U. N. Gimba
K. Ibrahim


The objective of this paper was to present the spread of Trichomoniasis amongst pregnant women attending a tertiary institution teaching hospital for antenatal routine in Kwara State, Nigeria using appropriate standard structured questionnaire and standardized methods were deployed for data collection and analysis. Three hundred and fifty samples were collected based on their age group, marital status and their level of Education. From the results obtained, the respondents between the ages 15-25 (66.6%) were shown to be positive, followed by those within the age of 26-35 (23.2%), and those between 35-45 years (10.2%) respectively. With respect to the marital status, the prevalence rate of T.vaginalis was recorded to be highest in single (51.4%); married (40%) and divorced pregnant mothers (8.6%) respectively. On the accK of the level of Education, the prevalence rate of T.vaginalis was reportedly higher in those with primary education (44.3%) followed by those with secondary school education (30%) and post-secondary school education (25.7%) respectively. There was however no statistically significant difference between the groups (p=0.559). The immunological status as indicated by CD 4 counts caused by Trichomonasvaginalis infection (p=0.560) show no significant differences in the sampled groups. Therefore, to prevent the impact of Trichomonasvaginalis infection, health sanitization awareness is recommended to be carried out time to time by the community health service providers.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502