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Effect of Temperature on the Compositional Changes on Crude Oil and Its Products

M. C. Utin
J. N. Okorondu
O. Oyibo


The alteration in crude oil and its products are based on its extraction, production and storage activities. Their changes in composition can occur due to changes in temperature, pressure, salinity and wettability during its various processes. The crude oil, reduced oil, diesel and kerosene were analysed using GC-FID to determine the effect of temperature and their compositional content of the samples. The results obtained showed that changes in temperature affect the composition of the individual sample and the total composition of the different samples component. The highest amount of the individual component was observed in the liquid phase. The total individual composition of the samples was in the increasing order of diesel, reduced crude oil, kerosene and crude oil. Increased in the temperature, increasing their individual composition of the samples.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502