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Attitude and Involvement of Local Communities in Nature Conservation around Idanre Forest Reserve, Ondo State, Nigeria

G. O. Amoo
O. A. Tunde-Ajayi
A. O. Yusuf


This objective of this study was to assess the attitude and involvement of the local communities on nature conservation around Idanre Forest Reserve, Ondo State, Nigeria using structured questionnaire. The study revealed the socio-demographic characteristics of community members of Idanre Forest Reserve. Data obtained shows that majority of the community members were aware of Idanre forest reserve and the attitudes and involvement of the local community towards conservation at Idanre forest reserve was negative. Factors that determined local people’s attitudes include assess to benefits obtained from the park. The impact of these benefits on attitudes was shown by the willingness of the people to assist the park management in promoting wildlife conservation. It was concluded that the factors responsible for the negative attitudes and involvement of local members towards nature conservation of Idanre Forest Reserve were majorly the lack of substantial benefits from the reserve and also the unfriendly nature of management. A bottom-top approach is hereby recommended, through regular involvement of local community leaders in major aspect of decision making.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502