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Impact of 64-Kilometer Owerri-Umuahia Road Dualization on Communities and Environment in Imo State, Nigeria

K. O. Iroh
N. Kayode-Ojo


The objective of this study is to evaluate the economic, social, and environmental consequences of road dualization on the 64- kilometer Owerri-Umuahia road, in Imo State, Nigerian using appropriate techniques such as baseline surveys, data collection through surveys, interviews, and questionnaires. Data obtained reveals that 30.75% of respondents agreed that, the Owerri-Umuahia road dualization had a positive impact on reducing traffic congestion. Based on the traffic criteria, the travel volume, congestion frequency, and travel time are 35.6%, 38.5%, and 20.0% enhanced with a consistency ratio of 0.00819. Statistical analyses and reliability assessment methods, such as Cronbach's alpha and Analytic Hierarchy Process AHP are used to ensure data validity and internal consistency. The study highlights the importance of inclusive infrastructure development that caters to the diverse requirements and viewpoints of the local populace. Despite concerns about insufficient engagement between government officials and local communities during the planning phases of infrastructure projects, road dualization is widely approved by residents, with the majority expressing satisfaction. Tangible improvements are observed in road quality, traffic management, safety measures, accessibility to amenities, environmental impact mitigation, and localized economic activities.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502