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Analysis of Residents Perception of Mountain Tourism in Selected Communities in Ido-Osi Local Government Area, Ekiti State, Southwest, Nigeria

P. A. Agbebi
O. Adeogun


The study examined the perception of mountains tourism by residents of some selected communities in Ido/Osi local government area, Ekiti State. Specifically, the study examined; residents’ perceived personal benefits derivable from mountain tourism; its perceived impact on community life and image; perceived impact on community economy; perceived attachment to mountains and hills tourism, and perceived promotional campaign in providing an awareness of the destinations to outside world. The study population was the residents of the selected communities in Ido/Osi local government of Ekiti State. 200 residents were purposively selected from the communities. Data collection was through self-administered questionnaires.  Descriptive and one-sample T test statistical tools were used to analyze socio-economic characteristics of respondents and hypothesis respectively. The study showed that the perceptions of residents of the communities about mountains tourism were positive and significant.    The study will contribute to the existing knowledge of mountain tourism, particularly as related to perception of residents of the communities in Ekiti State and Nigeria at large. Thus, it is pertinent for Ekiti State government to explore the mountain tourism sites in the communities for development and transformation in order to help the State achieve her sustainable tourism development goal and also improve her internally generated revenue.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502