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Mycological Contamination of Nigerian Currency Naira Notes in Circulation at Badeggi Town, Niger State, Nigeria

A. M. Abdullahi
S. A. Takur
B. O. Bello
T. A. Olutimayin


During its passing, money can get contaminated and may thus plays a role in the transmission of microorganisms to other people. Hence this study evaluates the mycological contamination of Nigerian currency naira notes in circulation at Badeggi Town, Niger State, Nigeria using appropriate standard techniques. The findings revealed that all samples contain fungal contaminants and higher contamination rates was recorded in low denominations naira notes. The fungi isolated in these studies include Aspergillus niger (16.9%) which was the most prevalent, followed by Mucor spp (13.8%) and Penicillium spp (13%), Aspergillus fumigatus (12.3%), Fusarium spp and Candida glabrata (10%), Rhizomucor spp and Rhinosporidiosis spp (8.4%) and the least Aspergillus flavus (6.9%). The currency notes are fomites, which serve as a vehicle for transmission of pathogenic organisms causing infections. Good hygiene and proper education of Nigerians on the public health risks posed by mishandling naira notes should be done to reduce the spread of pathogens and parasites through naira notes.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502