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Ameliorative Ability of Cyperus esculentus (Tiger Nut) and Phoenix dactylifera (Date Palm) Fruits on Blood Haematology and Film of Wistar Rats in Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles Ingestion Episode

M. H. Odanibe
A. C. Ibezute


The present study investigated the ameliorative ability of Cyperus esculentus and Phoenix dactylifera fruits on blood haematology and film of wistar rats in titanium dioxide nanoparticles ingestion episode. 25 rats randomly distributed into five  (5) groups were orally administered with varying combinations of titanium dioxide and tiger nut and date palm fruits extracts for 60 days, after which blood was collected for hematological and blood film analysis following standard methods. Hematological analysis showed that titanium dioxide nanoparticles caused a decrease in white blood cell (6.52%), granulocyte (56.06%), hemoglobin (3.10%) and hematocrit (15.47%) with an increase in lymphocyte (0.52%), monocyte (48.51%), red blood cell count (7.53%), platelet count (24.21%) and plateletocrit (37.93%) of wistar rats when compared with the control. Leishman-stained blood film revealed the presence of mild to moderate dimorphic anaemia, polychromatic morphology with some macrocytic cells and aggregated thrombocytes in the blood film of rats administered TiO2NP. There was no significant ameliorative impact of C. esculentus and Phoenix dactylifera extract against TiO2NP toxicity. This may be due to the small particle size and reactive nature of titanium dioxide nanoparticles. The findings of this study indicate that titanium dioxide nanoparticles negatively impacted blood hematological parameters in male wistar rats. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles should be handled and treated carefully to avoid potential health hazard in animals.

Journal Identifiers

eISSN: 2659-1499
print ISSN: 2659-1502