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Ethno-botanical uses and taxonomic composition of some Aju Mbaise (Mbaise wraps)

C. Ekeke
C.A. Ogazie
I.G. Ugiomoh
M.C. Mbalewe,


This document focuses on the ethnobotanical uses and taxonomic composition of some Aju Mbaise (Mbaise wraps). A total of 31 plant species belonging to 24 families were identified in the wraps collected from the study area. These plants are used in the treatment of ailments such as hypertension, typhoid, malaria, boost fertility in females, post-partum (immediately after birth), treatment of diabetes, treatment of arthritis, and induce weight loss. Annonaceae family constituted 9.68% of the total plant family, followed by Acanthaceae, Combretaceae, Fabaceae, Malvaceae, and Rubiaceae with 6.45% each. Among the plant species, Cnestis ferruginea (Connaraceae) occurred in five wraps. This is followed by Alternanthera bettzickiana (Amaranthaceae), Craterispermum cerinanthum (Rubiaceae), and Napoleona imparalis (Lecythidaceae) found in four wraps while Acanthus montanus (Acanthaceae), Barteria nigritana (Passifloraceae), Nephrolepis exaltata (Nephrolepidaceae), Oxytenanthera abyssinica (Poaceae), Palisota hirsuta (Commelinaceae), Scleria naumanniana (Cyperaceae), and Sida rhomboidea (Malvaceae) are in three ailments each. These plant species and families with high occurrence are the most effectively used plant groups in the study for the treatment of these diseases.